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CoPilot is an AI-powered tool designed to assist financial advisers by providing real-time data analysis, predictive insights, and automated client management solutions. It helps in optimizing investment strategies, identifying client needs and opportunities, and managing portfolios more efficiently.


By automating routine tasks, CoPilot allows advisers to focus on strategic decision-making and personalized client interactions. This enhances client satisfaction and improves financial outcomes, making CoPilot an invaluable tool in the competitive field of financial advising.

How Can CoPilot Help You

Using CoPilot effectively in a financial advisory setting typically involves several key steps:


  1. Integration with Existing Systems: Begin by integrating CoPilot with your current financial management systems and databases. This allows CoPilot to access historical financial data, client portfolios, and other relevant information.

  2. Data Analysis and Insights: Utilize CoPilot's capabilities to analyze financial data and generate insights. This could include market trend analysis, risk assessment, and personalized investment opportunities for clients.

  3. Client Interaction and Meetings: During client meetings, use CoPilot to present data-driven insights and projections. Its tools can help in visualizing financial scenarios, explaining potential investment strategies, and illustrating the impact of different financial decisions. It can also write meeting summaries for client file notes.

  4. Automated Tasks and Reporting: Leverage CoPilot to automate routine tasks such as report generation, regulatory compliance checks, and client communication. This saves time and ensures accuracy in managing client portfolios.

  5. Continuous Learning and Updates: Regularly update CoPilot’s settings and inputs to reflect changes in market conditions and financial regulations. Also, use feedback from its analytics to refine strategies and improve client outcomes.

What is CoPilot Prompts?
How to Use Prompts for Copilot-Powered File Notes and Meeting Summaries

Step 1: “Generate a client-friendly summary”


After you finish a meeting or a call with a client, you can use Copilot to generate a summary of what was discussed. To do this, you need to use the prompt "Generate a client-friendly summary". This will tell Copilot to create a summary that is clear, concise, and easy to understand for your client.


For example:

  • Prompt: Generate a client-friendly summary

  • Output: We discussed your current financial situation and your goals for retirement. We reviewed your portfolio and made some adjustments to align it with your risk profile and preferences. We also talked about the benefits and drawbacks of downsizing your home and transferring some of your assets overseas. We agreed to meet again in six months to review your progress and make any necessary changes.


Step 2: Add missing or important information


Sometimes, Copilot may miss something that you know was discussed or that you want to emphasize in your file note or meeting summary. In this case, you can use the prompt "Summarize the discussion on [topic]" to ask Copilot to add more information on a specific topic.


For example:

  • Prompt: Summarize the discussion on downsizing

  • Output: We discussed the pros and cons of downsizing your home and moving to a smaller property. We considered the potential savings on mortgage, maintenance, and utilities, as well as the emotional and practical implications of leaving your current home. We also looked at some options for finding a suitable new home that meets your needs and preferences. You expressed some interest in exploring this option further, but you also wanted to weigh it against other alternatives.


Step 3: Expand on a summary.


If you want more details on something that Copilot has summarized, you can use the prompt "Expand on the summary of [topic]" to ask Copilot to provide more information on a specific topic.


For example:

  • Prompt: Expand on the summary of international transfers

  • Output: We talked about the possibility of transferring some of your assets overseas to diversify your portfolio and take advantage of favorable exchange rates and tax laws. We discussed the different types of assets that can be transferred, such as cash, stocks, bonds, and real estate. We also reviewed the risks and challenges involved, such as currency fluctuations, political instability, legal compliance, and fees. We agreed that this option requires further research and consultation with a specialist before making any decisions.


Step 4: “Generate action points”


You can use Copilot to generate a list of action points and follow-ups for yourself and your client. To do this, you need to use the prompt "Generate action points". This will tell Copilot to create a list of tasks and responsibilities that need to be completed or addressed after the meeting or call.


For example:

  • Prompt: Generate action points

  • Output:

    • You will send your client a copy of the updated portfolio and the projections for retirement.

    • You will research the options and implications of downsizing and transferring assets overseas and send your client a summary of your findings.

    • Your client will review the summary and contact you with any questions or concerns.

    • You will schedule a follow-up meeting in six months to review your client's progress and make any necessary changes.


Step 5: Create a detailed meeting summary.


For example:

  • Prompt:

    • Act as a manager in the compliance department of a Financial Advice Firm. It is important to have detailed file note, numbers and summaries of our client meetings. Based on the meeting transcript, create a detailed meeting note. The note is an internal document, focus on summarising client questions, concerns, meeting summary, meeting action items. Ensure a high attention to detail when it comes to time, numbers and investments. Use headings to summarise the file note.

    • ​Create a summary of this document that can be read in 3 min. Ensure the summary focuses on the advice and not the personal information as the reader knows their personal information. Focus on why it is appropriate for them and how it meets their goals. Make the summary in dot points in the form of an email we can send to the client"

Prompts During Meetings
Prompts During Meetings.png
Prompt to Generate a Follow-up Email for New Prospects
  • Act as the head of sales for a Financial Advise business. The business is a a small business with personalised service. You need to increase your sales before 30 June by following up past prospects. You have a few clients that have not said yes yet, but you can definitely help them. Draft 3 email templates I could use to get the clients to come back for another meeting. Focus on the benefit of working with an adviser, a personal relationship and creating long term value.

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