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Why you should plan to sell your business even if you don’t

The Wealth Network

Structure your financial planning firm so it’s always ready to be sold.

Ever heard that idea?

The only way somebody would buy your firm is if they were capable of running it. So to create a sale-ready business, you need to make sure the business has:

* A repeatable sales process

* Clear, documented systems

You’re probably thinking: “I don’t have any intention of selling my business. So why bother making it sale-ready?”

Two reasons.

First, if you replace an ad-hoc sales process with a repeatable sales process, you’ll make more sales. And if you replace make-it-up-as-you-go systems with clear, documented systems, your business will become more efficient.

Second, even if you have no plan to sell your financial planning firm today, you might change your mind in five, 10 or 20 years. So why not give yourself that option?

Contact me at to find out how my custom training can help you solve your biggest problems.



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